What To Expect

What if I'm not used to going to church?

When you walk in the door or meet us in the community, we want you to feel as if you have attended an awesome family reunion... a place where you are loved and cherished without conditions. It doesn't matter if you have never set foot inside of a place of worship before or if you have attended a church since you were a kid, you are welcomed and loved in God's house.

What should I wear?

Please wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. On any given Sunday you will find individuals wearing everything from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts and everything in between. It doesn't matter what you wear, everybody fits here.


Where should I come in?

Any door will do! If you wish to attend worship, the glass doors located on Memorial Ave will be the easiest. If you have trouble with stairs, the elevator entrance can be found on the back right corner of the building. If you wish to attend Sunday School, the elevator entrance will be the easiest. For both the elevator and the back entrance, you will enter onto the ground floor. The lower level or basement is located below and the 1st and 2nd floors are located above.

What should I do when I get there?

If you are coming to worship, you will most likely find someone at the door known as a greeter. They will greet you and hand you a pamphlet known as a bulletin or worship folder. This contains a guide to the worship service for you to use. It may show page numbers to songs, words to prayers, music to songs, the subject of the sermon, and other related items. You will also find various announcements and other pieces of information individuals would like to communicate to those in the church (that means you!). Now you can find a seat! Anywhere is perfect.

What will the worship service be like?

The service will start with a bit of music, followed by the pastor's welcome to worship. From here we praise God! Typically toward the end of the service, something called tithes and offerings are collected. This is when plates are passed and money is collected to use for God's further purpose. Please do not feel obligated to contribute to the plate. You are our guest!  

What about my kids?

Children are always welcome to worship and learn! There is a cry room located at the back of the sanctuary where your baby can sleep and play while you worship. The nursery is open to children birth to 3 years while their parents worship. Children 4 and above typically sit with their parents during worship until Children's Chat, when the kids go up front to sit with the pastor and discuss a short lesson. Afterward, the kids are free to either go back and sit with their parents or attend Little Church. At Little Church, children learn and worship through crafts, stories, and play. After the service, you can pick up your children in the Kindergarten room on the 1st floor.